Monero scripts

Get Monero project meta information.

These tools extract information from parts of the Monero project source code files.


Gets past hard fork dates, versions and information.


How to:

The following environment variables can be used for the configuration:

env var description cli option
PROJECT_BRANCH_NAME Branch (monero-project on github) to extract hard fork info from. --branch
MONERO_NETWORK Monero network (mainnet, stagnet, testnet) to get hard fork info for. --network
MONEROD_URL Monero daemon url. --daemon
MONEROD_RPC_PORT Monero daemon port. --port

In case the daemon shuold not be reachable (e.g. timeout, connection error, etc.), the result will be missing the date information:

Version 1 ['---', '1', '1341378000']
Version 2 ['---', '1009827', '1442763710']
Version 3 ['---', '1141317', '1458558528']
Version 4 ['---', '1220516', '1483574400']
Version 5 ['---', '1288616', '1489520158']
Version 6 ['---', '1400000', '1503046577']
Version 7 ['---', '1546000', '1521303150']
Version 8 ['---', '1685555', '1535889547']
Version 9 ['---', '1686275', '1535889548']
Version 10 ['---', '1788000', '1549792439']
Version 11 ['---', '1788720', '1550225678']
Version 12 ['---', '1978433', '1571419280']

Gets Monero seed node IPs.


How to:

The following environment variables can be used for the configuration:

env var description cli option
PROJECT_BRANCH_NAME Branch (monero-project on github) to extract seed nodes from. --branch
MONERO_NETWORK Monero network (mainnet, stagnet, testnet) to get seed nodes info for. --network

This is a very simple script to just ping the seed nodes (IPs in general) in order to get at least some information about their public accessibility.

After importing the module:

from monero_scripts.connect_to_node import try_to_connect

, it can be used like this:

For more info, please check the original repository page